
Tak tau la nape aku suka sgt kat kau. Adoi, apa ada kat kau smpai leh wat ati aku trpikat?
Tiap kali nampak kau ati aku berdebar, jantung aku berdegup kencang. Tiap kali aku dekat dgn kau je aku rasa blur, tak tau nk wat apa. Kalau ikotkan aku ni bukan yg jenis yg suka romantik2 sgt tapi dgn kau aku jadi lemah. Sedangkan dengan yg lain aku leh je cakap mcm2. Kau pakai tangkal apani? Aku cuba lupakan kau tapi.. x boleh. Kaulah yg boleh wat aku rasa cemburu sebb 2 aku dh jarang jumpa kau bukan sebb x nk tapi terpaksa.. Tak nak nnti aku terlalu rindu kau. Biarla aku jauh aslkan kau ttp kat ati aku. muhahahahaha.. GILA la..

- Step back

Some time things happen in our life have it own purpose. There's time when you should take one step back so that you'll be more crystal about what happen surround you. There are people that can understand you well but some of them cant. The point is you cant please everyone, and make them to like you. How nice you are to others, how helpful you are, how honest you are, but when you did one mistake all the beauty of you will be gone. What people will see is the dark side of you. That is the reality of life. People will try to make you feel bad about yourself, but in the same time you will gain focus in your life, the purpose the aim the solution the ideas, in your life. Take a step back is different with surrender with the situation. It is time you to think how to solve the problems, not let the problems into you and destroy who you really are.

Hate is out from the list to solve the problems, but think positively can make it better. The more you hate about it the more harder it will become. Just the matter of time, will make you realize that the problem is not that important to be mad for.

Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one the brakes. In the order to be free, you must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. I am learning to understand rather than immediately judge or to be judged. I cannot blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach.

No one and nothing can free you but your own understand. That so because happiness is a form of courage. To gain one you have to be strong. So stop being self-fish and stop being stupid.

Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing world. Not just one world, Hundreds of them. Thousand maybe. Everyone is unique, don't let yourself down because of others.

I dont mind at all..

Hah.. skng ni dak2 cakap aku makin mendiamkan diri. Adakah ianya satu kebaikan atau satu keburukan. Ada yg cakap jangan la terlalu diam ada yg ckp stop being Hyperactive. I dont mind being both. Tapi jangan sebab aku terlalu diam korng cakap aku emo, ianya satu perubahan dalam diri aku. Kadang2 best gak aku mendiamkan diri, daripada being BOLD. Start banyak cakap kompom ada je benda ngarut yang aku cakap.

Kul 10 lebih tadi aku tiba2 jadi HYPER. Kacau orang bising sana bising sini, kul 12 lebih tiba2 aku diam. haha.. aku pon naik pening apa yg aku buat.

Bro Wan. kau buzz ym aku, x jwab, ym aku on tapi aku x da depan com. Hyung yg tolong jawab. Rindu aku ka bro. Aku x phm apa maksud kau aku mula diam?? aku ok ke x? Aku ni pon x tau apa yg aku buat. haha.. nnti kau balik kita lepak la lama dah ajak, x lepak2 pon. Kau la busy sgt aku ni dah free sbb asgmnt aku dah siap semua. Dota pon skng ku jarang main do. Bosan x da orng aku nk borak2 hahaha... ceh.. bangga la 2. bace bnda ni.. sbb pasal kau. Muhahaha... hah.. keropok lekor mana bro???

hmm. sama je.

la.. cakap x serupa bikin.. ceh... pikir2 balik klaka gak.
bnda ckp punya la lebat tapi buat bnda sama je. marah sana sini
hmmm.. tapi buat gak.. haih.. x tau nk cakap apa dah..
mampu gelak je.. haha.. ^^


Kemarin dapat gak la aku chat dgn dua2 kawan baik aku. aku cita masalah aku kat diorng. Haha yg klakanya aku kena marah sbb trlalu bengong. Diorng cakap kurang pikir pasl orng lain pikir diri sendiri sama.

Syamim : mana pergi Muhafiz yg dulu.
Aku : aku pon x tau mana pergi aku yg dulu.
Syamim : setahu aku kau slalu happy tapi nape skng jadi camni.
Aku : ntahlah no ideas.
Syamim: jadi diri kau sendiri bro baru la best.
Aku : ok2 aku try to be the old me.
Syamim : good.

diorng lebih memahami diri aku dri aku sendiri pelik x. Sampai kan diorng leh cita balik aku ni camne. mmg sebijik la. aku pon x tau nk terangkan sper aku. haha. AMAL, MIM, DAIN n IJAM korng slalu lyn kerenah ngrot2 aku but still stand by my side.. hahaha.. terharu gila aku. <3>